Miracle II Soap (1 Gallon):
Powerful Cleaning: This concentrated soap is known for its potent cleaning capabilities. It effectively tackles dirt, grime, and stains on a wide range of surfaces, making it suitable for both household and industrial cleaning tasks.
Multi-Purpose Formula: Miracle II Soap is a versatile solution that can be used for a multitude of applications. Whether you’re cleaning surfaces, dishes, fabrics, or even your body, this soap is formulated to provide a thorough and efficient cleaning experience.
Gentle on Skin: Despite its powerful cleaning action, Miracle II Soap is gentle on the skin. It’s a pH-balanced formula that can be used for personal hygiene, offering a refreshing and cleansing experience without irritating the skin. Perfect for normal or oily skin & hair, and for cleaning anything that water won’t hurt.
See for yourself how other people use Miracle Soap!
Miracle Soap Ingredients:
Prayer * Electrically engineered eloptic energized oxygenated water * Ash of Dedecyl Solution * Calcium * Potassium * Magnesium * Foaming Agent * And the Anointing of God * Miracle II also contains and holds spiritual and eloptic energy beyond measure.
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