Word of Wisdom – Why is it? What is it? by Gary Powell DMDN
This book tends to help people achieve wellness based on sound proven principles. Gary Powell the author is a skilled natural therapist with a diploma in Nutrition and Modern Dietetics among other things. Throughout his life, he researched the nutritional side of the scriptures as it relates to good health and found the Word of Wisdom to be the perfect fit. He believes the Lord is no fool and knows exactly what our bodies need. He advocates listening to the “still small voice” rather than the constantly screaming voice of Big Pharma and the food industry. 122 Pages
Gary Powell wrote this book based on the Word of Wisdom acting upon his intuition and did not at any time ask the LDS church for written approval. The opinions are his own, aimed to open minds and broaden a person’s perspective on health and nutrition according to the Word of Wisdom.
He learned many years ago from friends and colleagues in New Zealand and friends in Canada that it is best to check out what the scientists have to say but not necessarily believe all of it.
His mission is to help people achieve wellness based on sound proven principles. He advocates listening to the “still small voice” rather than the constantly screaming voice of Big Pharma and the food industry. He was disenchanted with the everyday media illusion that patients seeking a more joyful existence and relief from worry, stress, and anxiety can only get it by medicating their feelings and bodies.
In the book he voices his opinion about the Word of Wisdom, What is it and why is it? He gives his interpretation of what the Lord meant by strong drinks, hot drinks, eating meat sparingly, and eating fruit in season.
He uses the scriptures to back up his points of view especially D&C 89. He uses a host of other references to explain that much of what Joseph Smith taught about the Word of Wisdom fell upon deaf ears.
Documentary History of the Church 6: 183-185
“I had tried for several years to get the minds of the saints prepared to receive the things of God, but we frequently see some of them after suffering all they have for the work of God, will fly to pieces like glass as soon as anything comes along that is contrary to their traditions. They cannot stand the fire at all. How many will be able to abide by a celestial law, and go through to receive their exaltation, I am unable to say, as many are called but few are chosen.” (Joseph Smith)
Documentary History of the Church 4:414
“I preached to a large congregation at the stand on the science and practice of medicine, desiring to persuade the saints of God to trust in God when sick, and not in the arm of flesh. And led by faith and not by medicine or poison; when they were sick and had called for the elders to pray for them, and they were not healed, to use herbs and mild food.” (Joseph Smith)
In his book, you will find a list of beneficial herbs and spices and he covers in greater detail the proper use of wholesome herbs thus recommending some easy natural remedies.
He spontaneously speaks about the hearts of conspiring men, identifies who some of them are, and shows the techniques they use to lure people in their direction. An example would be sorceries (Pharmacia). Revelation 18:23-24 “For by thy sorceries were all nations deceived. And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth”.
He states the facts about the Supermarkets and the toxic chemicals found in the foods we eat. He elaborates on the side effects of medication and iatrogenic disease. Iatrogenic disease is a disease induced inadvertently by doctors and hospitals as a result of medical treatments or diagnostic procedures.
His book “The Word of Wisdom – Why is it? What is it?” enlarges a person’s understanding as it pertains to scriptures like these. Proverbs 31:6-7, Isaiah 5:11, D&C 59:17-19, 2 Nephi 4:34, Jeremiah 17:5, 2 Nephi 28:31, D&C 42:43, D&C 89:18-21, 2 Nephi 28:20, 2 Nephi 4:34, 2 Nephi 9:20, D&C 38:2-3, DHC 4:414, DHC 6:183-185, D&C 89:4, Revelation 18:23-24, D&C 88 and D&C 89. If you are not familiar with some of these references they include books such as the LDS Book of Mormon, Doctrine & Covenants, and other LDS works other than the Bible. All these references can be found online at: LDS.org
Gary is a skilled natural therapist with a diploma in Nutrition and Modern Dietetics among other things. Throughout his life, he researched the nutritional side of the scriptures as it relates to good health and found the Word of Wisdom to be the perfect fit. He believes the Lord is no fool and knows exactly what our bodies need and proves his point of view utilizing fundamental scriptures.
Commentary Written by Bob Vance
I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I have written this book of my own volition and have not at any time asked for church leadership to approve it. The opinions are mine alone, aimed at opening some minds and broadening perspectives on health and nutrition according to the Word of Wisdom. For too long our people have embraced so-called conservatism and been led well away from a healthy lifestyle by vested interests. The vested interests include some of our people who see nothing wrong in making profits dishonestly at the expense of other people’s health and wellbeing.
Gary Powell
Gary Powell is a naturopathic nutritionist who has taken a close interest in kids’ problems such as autism and ADD. He has seen the way ADD is treated and how the kids on Ritalin and other such drugs turn out later. He is very concerned about the teenage suicide rate always increasing and the medical profession failing to join the dots. There have to be some who know the whole story but are never going to say it out loud for fear of prosecution or class action, or being drummed out of the regiment for treason. He has done years of personal research on the problem and is disappointed at the way many natural practitioners go the way of allopathic medicine and treat symptoms only. Some really good natural practitioners have the knowledge and experience in treating the problem and we need more of them.
The way Big Pharma has the governments of the world in their pocket is criminal. By having this stranglehold they prevent the truth from being told. If the general public realized that ADHD is mainly attributable to vaccines and diet there would be a severe backlash against the pharmaceutical industry. The so-called free media will never print the truth because they would lose most of their advertising revenue if they did. Therefore profits are inclined to come before people.
Gary has become irate about the way the truth is hidden and how people working for the Establishment will never question anything they are told and when they speak to parents of these kids, they just parrot off what they have been told. If they are ever challenged they have no answers and some get into threatening the parents with action by the local authorities. This does nothing to solve the problem and adds to it. How many of the kids under their area of responsibility will end up as teenage suicides because like good little civil servants these people could not and would not think outside the square?
Do these civil servants ever think about these things? It’s doubtful. It seems their little bit of power is more important to them than the welfare of the kids, so they choose to ignore what is staring them in the eye. It has to change and that means now!
This book was written to enlighten a person’s understanding and bring their reader back to the real truth.
copyright Mar 2012 by G & SL Powell
Published by All Natural Solutions
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