KI03 Potassium Iodate (10 Pack)
(Expire Date 12/2031)
If radiation is on its way, you should take KIO3 or KI before the radioactive plume reaches you. If you do not have KI03 or KI on hand at the time of the event, then it is likely too late to take a thyroid blocker. When you’re not prepared you’ll have to wait and hope authorities reach you before a fallout condition.
Medical Corp KIO3 Potassium Iodate is FDA-approved, while several studies link KI with cancer.
KI03 protects the thyroid
Radioactive Iodine [I-131] can destroy the thyroid of humans and animals. Even small amounts of I-131 can cause cancer of the thyroid. By taking KI03, the thyroid becomes saturated with “good iodine” The good iodine helps reduce the absorption of “bad iodine” I-131. Yes, animals or pets can take KI03.
RAD D-TOX by LIQUID MANNA is an optional radiation-neutralizing remedy.
Iodoral IOD 12.5 180 Tablets – Optimox Iodine Dietary Supplement
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