Miracle II 5 Pack + FREE Dispenser Kit
1) RS-22 oz. Regular Soap
1) MS-22 oz. Moisturizing Soap
1) N-22 oz. Neutralizer1) ML-8 oz. Moisturizing Lotion
1) NG-8 oz. Miracle II Gel
2) 1/4 oz. Lip Gloss Containers w/Lids3) 2 oz. Clear plastic bottles – one w/Snap Top Lid and two w/Disc-Top Lids
2) 8 oz. Bullet Bottles w/Lotion Pumps
1) 8 oz. Bullet Bottle w/Spray Top
How to use Miracle II Green Soap along with a Hygiene Dispenser Kit?
We recommend the 2 oz. bottles and lids for the two Soaps and Liquid Neutralizer. The 2 disc top lids are meant for the soaps while the snap top lid is better for the liquid Neutralizer.
The two 1/4 oz. lip gloss containers are there for small amounts of Neutralizer Gel and Skin Moisturizing Lotion.
The 8 oz. bullet bottle is for the two soaps. Most people use the spray top lid and 8 oz. bottles for watered-down Miracle Soap or Liquid Neutralizer. These bottles work great at the sinks, tub, and shower for dispensing soap. Whereas, the spray top lid is more for liquid Neutralizer or well-diluted soap.
Miscellaneous Bottles, Lids, Containers, and Pumps
Suggested uses for Miracle Soaps and Neutralizers
RS is our code for regular Miracle Soap
MS is the code we use for Miracle Moisturizing Soap.
N is the initial we use for Liquid Neutralizer.
NG is the simplest way for us to tag Miracle 2 Neutralizer Gel
ML stands for Moisturizing Lotion.
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